Sunday 19 December 2021


 Reach my target a little early had a superb week,with very limted time,banged in 4 fish in two one hour sessions,my goal was 30 pike before christmas

all three fish fell on three cast just as the light was fading,all out off fordwich on tuesday evening,another hour on the river on wednesday after work produced a better fish 

a nice double 13.7lb and see me have a early bath due being bitten badly,
that was the end of the fishing still very sore today,yesterday was a complete blank with 14 follows and knocks but not one hook up,back on the river today it looked ideal how wrong was i,my friend was dead baiting a few swims away,had a run early on,three hours in one knock on the lure,so rested my swim and had a chat both moaning how bad it was that fishing for you,back in my swim once again and working every part of it still nil,then at last soon as the lure hit the water fight was on,fish was soon in the net phew,a nice 8.3lb not to be moaned about 

know idea when my next vist will be,but no more weighing unless its a big girl ,all pike will be measured in cms,on my new unhooking mat so hopefully no more cut fingers,so will i reach my next targets a 20lb fish and 60 pike by the end of season 

1 comment:

Dylan Wrathall said...

Great stuff Mark - only a Pike angler could post about getting bitten, it's par for the course! Not too sure what's happening over the Christmas/New Year period, but will email you if I get some free time - Dyl