Sunday, 30 December 2012


this is my last post until 2013 hope everyone has enjoyed it as much as i have,had many highlights this year so i ended it on the harbour taking photos of waxwings sorry my mistake black throated divers and razorbills,worst thing for me was tweeter it started off fine but slowly came a texting service,for me i will only tweet if it is worth it from the harbour.most of the news will be put on here in the forth coming year so roll 2013 i know where i will be HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE


Marc Heath said...

Smart shots Chiddy. I must point my car that way soon!!

Mike H said...

A great way to sign out 2012 its been good. Have a happy New Year and see you in 2013.

Robs Birding said...

Great shots Mark , all the best for the New Year. Cheers Rob

Tim Gutsell said...

Good shots Chiddy, happy new year and birthday for tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chiddy.a good read as always all the best for 2013.FROM ALAN.