Monday, 24 December 2012


this is just a few of my photos that i like and my friends do, thanks for every one that reads by blog i know it just been full up with the black throat at the moment but it is a cracking bird, a big thanks to my other half jackie who lets me get away birding at the weekend,also to martyn and steve,martyn who is the mr stour valley and a great mate and steve thanks for all the tips on using the camera,these are just few of my photos from over the year and merry christmas to everyone who knows me and my bird of the year must be the STORM PETREL a great day i had with craig and barry and smashing views of a puffin but over all it was the LITTLE BITTERN i had in lesvos it just stood there unreal

marsh harrier grove

glossy ibis grove

great northern diver grove

glaucous gull dungerness

gannet dover

kumlien gull dover 

kumlien gull dover

shorelark swalecliffe
short eared owl reculver
then it was lesvos these are for my good mate ron roll on may back again up close to most birds,it was holiday that i will not forget in a hurry, these are just few of the birds we saw just a short walk form the hotel i would recommend it to any birder with a camera
black wing stilt

kentish plover

long eared owl

great white

whiskered tern

black stork

great white

niight heron

little bittern

bee eater

crested lark

red back shrike

rufeous bush robin


black headed bunting

woodchat shrike

spotted fly

red rump shallow

little crake

scoops owl

bee eater

cinereous bunting

cretzschmars bunting

squacco heron

isabelline wheatear

blue rock thursh
black eared wheatear

cirl bunting
a few more targets next year just one more photo is for my mum
merry christmas from me


Mike H said...

Have a good one Mark and will meet up with you again in 2013 when we can do it all over again.

Dylan Wrathall said...

Have a very merry Christmas and a bird-filled 2013. I'm sure our paths will cross - all the very best - Dyl

Anonymous said...

HI Mark have a good one nice set of pictures see you next year.from ALAN.

Tim Gutsell said...

Hi Mark, I am bringing up the rear as usual,great shots and accounts through the year, hope you had a good christmas and happy birthday for the 1st. you are catching me up fast.

joanca bs said...

Very nice shost amazing¡¡¡
greetings joanca

lenteatraves said...

Beutiful birds and great frames!! nice work!, nice to meet you. Greets and Merry Christmas for you too.