Sunday 23 December 2018


A tip off during the week on a flock of 200 brambling  in a local kent wood, so i had to wait until i finish work yesterday to head over there,my directions i was give where vague as normal,so a quick phone call i still none the wiser,the directions are park your car in the car park,walk back  50 yards up the road and look for track with a hump in it and brambles thanks,i am in the woods loads of xxxkxxg  tracks and brambles thanks gibbards lol lol,i found the track in the end plenty of chaffinches and three brambling,had good walk around and stumbled on a flock of 45 bramblings feeding on beech trees further along 2 marsh tit,so i thought i take some photos while i was there so i put a few sunflower hearts down on a fence post and waited and waited bugger me what turns up
a nuthatch so it was a game of peek a boo pleasant afternoon spent in the middle of the woods and nobody about
i sure the nuthatch got a tired and had a quick nap 

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